What do you think of when you hear
the name Moses? I always picture a strong, confident man who carried himself
tall and proud. After all, he did rescue the Israelites from slavery. He's
a pretty important character and revered Old Testament figure.
(Plus, being
able to speak directly with God on multiple occasions and an eye witness
testimony to God’s powers in Egypt…I would say he’s pretty B.A.)
However, surprisingly (at least to
me), that’s not the type of person he was…at least in the beginning. When God
first called Moses to bring His people out of Egypt, Moses was scared,
self-conscious, and flooded God with all of kinds of excuses about how he was
just not ‘good enough.’
- Exodus 3:11, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” aka “Who am I to do something great? I’m a nobody.”
- Exodus 4:1, “…they will not believe ..." After all, Moses was a murdering, run- away prince on the lam.
- Exodus 4:10, “I am not eloquent…I am slow of speech and of tongue.” aka “I’m just not good enough.”
Finally, we have Moses final plea
in Exodus chapter 4 verse 12, “…please
send someone else.”
Moses was scared. He did not know what to expect. In fact, every time Moses lifted up his hands over Egypt, something terrible happened. His task was far from glorious. And yet, He is still one of the most influential characters in all of Biblical History.
He had to learn to trust God. He
had to get out of the way and out of his head so God could use him to fulfill His
Sometimes, I find myself asking
God those same kinds of questions. Who am I to change the world? I can never accomplish what You're asking me to do! I'm not the right person. Find someone else.
But, like Moses, we have to remember to let God do the work…after all, He could be preparing us for something mighty and powerful - bigger than we ever dreamed possible.
Keep on pressing on...even when it seems impossible.
“Nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
But, like Moses, we have to remember to let God do the work…after all, He could be preparing us for something mighty and powerful - bigger than we ever dreamed possible.
Keep on pressing on...even when it seems impossible.
“Nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37