Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sugar Detox: Tell All Experience!!!

Alright, so here is my entire review of YURIELKAIM's 7 Day Sugar Detox. I have narrowed my review down to 5 categories:
  • Taste
  • Variety/Flexibility
  • Easy to Follow
  • Budget Friendly
  • Results/Willingness to Repeat
1) TASTE: On a scale of 1-10, this would receive an 8

I loved the foods. However, these are foods that I already have in my diet on a pretty regular basis and I can see where some people might be put off by them until they develop the 'required taste' needed to achieve this detox successfully (especially for the smoothie every morning and the spinach soup)...because if you don't like what you're eating, you'll end up regretting it in the end. And if you hate the process, it's not something that will stick and help you achieve life long changes. But, I loved the food and will definitely keep some of these on hand for future meals. 

2) Variety/Flexibility: score  10

This was probably the best thing about this detox!!! I enjoyed the different foods that were outlined and even though breakfast was the same every morning, it was delicious. (Plus, I believe most people tend to eat the same things for breakfast regularly anyway.) My absolute favorite thing was that most of the time there were no instructions regarding portion sizes or exact recipes. I was actually nervous about this at first, but I grew to love the creative power it permitted unlike most 'diet plans' and since there were not portion restrictions, I never felt as if I denying myself food if I was hungry. Even when I became hungry in between meals, I still ate things that were on the menu, just not at the times that were suggested. 
3) Easy to Follow: 9

Yes, yes, yes. It is all outlined for you from Breakfast to Dinner; with additional exercise suggestions. Did I follow it exactly - no. The times he suggested did not work for my lifestyle, so I nixed those pretty quick. Most days I reversed the snack and lunch to fit into my family's routine. I did not follow the exercise suggestions, but still remained active                                                                                                         throughout. 

4) Budget Friendly: 5

Most ingredients by themselves were not too expensive, however, in the quantities that they require, I would say this is not the cheapest plan you could do by any means. (But I'm also pretty frugal)
5) Results/Willingness to Repeat: 9

The only reason I did not give this a 10 was because of the cost. I loved the results I had in such a short period of time. By day 5, I was free from all cravings!!! I did not want food when I was bored and I almost had to force myself to eat. I was able to eat before I became hungry - even when I tried to follow the time slot suggestions. I loved the amount of energy I gained, my skin cleared up and my IBS symptoms significantly reduced and were almost gone entirely. (Which was my reason for doing the detox in the first place.) 
However, in 7 days I did lose 4 pounds - which is just icing on the cake! 

Who needs this?
I do suggest this to anyone who needs fast results in a short amount of time, i.e. a wedding/reunion. I also would suggest this to anyone who wants to jump start their health or for someone who needs a little motivation during a lull period. So....pretty much anybody! My vegan/vegetarian friends could easily substitute different proteins for the meat. So go ahead, give it try and let me know how it goes. It worked for me!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sugar Detox: Day 7

Yea!!! I finally made it to the last day...and it was definitely one the hardest days because I felt that I had come so far and had already put in so much effort that it was 'good enough.' It was hard to want to finish out the entire day and if there was a day where I 'slipped' today would have been it. (more explanations in the "Tell All" post, coming soon!)

I was tired and drained of energy most of the day; however, that was partly on me because last night (day 6) I had gone to a very intense 80 minute yoga class. I can definitely see why the plan calls for 'gentle yoga.' Not to mention, it was a later class, that meant I also got to bed a bit later. So, I would have to say that I don't think my negative experience had to do with the plan per se.

After my loving husband agreed to let me sneak in an afternoon nap, I did feel much better. However, it was still tempting to at least make it until after dinner and then dive into something that hadn't been on the menu for the week - but I didn't!

And so, I would say that I successfully (by my terms) completed this week's detox. I used the 'by my terms' in the last post as well. What I mean by that phrase is that I modified the schedule to best fit my routine. This is something I learned (and am still constantly working on) a few years ago. I used to be such a schedule Nazi that if I had a plan, I would stick to it to a T. And then I felt like a failure if I veered even the slightest. If there is one thing my husband has taught me, (and there have been many) is that "The schedule is made for you - you are not made for the schedule."

So, my next post will be all about my modifications, my results and my overall recommendation. I have to say, it feels really good to have accomplished a goal. At least for this part of my journey I can say, "I have finished the race." (ref. 2nd Timothy 4:7) Now it's time for a DANCE PARTY!

Sugar Detox: Days 4-6

So, my last post I entitled, Murphy's Law. Have you ever made a decision to complete a detox, fast, diet, etc... and it seems as if everything suddenly goes wrong all at once? Well, that seems to be my experience when I try something new - especially when it comes to starting a workout or diet program.

Spinach Soup Broth 
I have had some awesome company with me the past couple of days. An almost three year old little girl and her one year old younger brother. They stayed with us for the weekend and while I enjoyed every minute of it, part of me wanted to let that be my excuse for not following the detox completely - since life was a tad more chaotic.

For the entire detox, I have dealt with on and off sick kids; a death in the family; extra children running around, and then my computer broke down right as I started this blog. None of these things were very encouraging and the 'me' I was a few years ago would have thrown in the towel.

Spinach Soup!
But, I stuck to my guns and did successfully (by my own terms) complete the detox. I loved the days where the boys joined in, and while they did not follow the plan as I did, they were able to enjoy the best parts of it. (For example, the Lara Bars for day 3's snack! And my cucumbers!)

Yep, those are mine!
The best part about days 4-6 was that it finally felt like a routine. I had my meals planned out and I knew what to expect. This part about this particular plan really helped when things became more chaotic or my otherwise regular routine was thrown off. I enjoyed not having the stress of 'what to cook for dinner;' especially since I had already planned my family's meals to correspond with mine for the week. This did make life easier.

There were also days where the boys were sick in bed and while I never wish that upon my children, the mornings I had to myself were very peaceful. I was able to have extra prayer and devotion time and I think THAT is what helped me make it through the hectic days this week.

He stole my plate...
The patience of actually getting past the point of 'detox' was worth the headaches (literally and figuratively) and it certainly paid off in the end. But that's what being Fit for the Kingdom is all about - learning to wait on the Lord and pray through the tough times knowing that He will bring you through. This detox, as well as others that I have done, is just one way to physically manifest the Biblical principles found throughout scripture.

In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith - more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire - may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ
1st Peter 1:6-7, ESV

Monday, November 24, 2014

Murphy's Law

Well, my computer completely crapped out on me. I'm in the process of getting it fixed, but will be out of the loop for a couple of days. The great news - I'm still on track for the detox! Yeah. At least I've learned enough to not give up just because I hit a road block.

Anyway, when my computer is back I will post the full update for the detox along with a detailed opinion about everything involved.

So, check back in a few days. Happy Thanksgiving, (just in case I can't get to a computer by then).

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sugar Detox: Day 2&3

So, I've done a few other 'detoxes' in the past and if you are thinking about attempting one, remember that detoxing is kind of like childbirth. The actual process kind of sucks, but once you hit that 'other side' it's completely worth the effort.
Lunch Day 2

Day 2 was REALLY hard. I woke up with the worst headache and had very low energy most of the day. This (I assume) was from a combination of the caffeine withdrawals and the beginning of a sinus winter-y head cold. Finally, around 3 pm (right after the 'lunch' for the day) I began to feel amazing.

My headache began to go away and I was finally getting some energy back. (All with out sugar or caffeine!) I was a bit nervous because I was heading to spend the evening at my parents house, along with having two extra kids with me for the weekend.

This is where planning was key! I made my dinner at home beforehand and prepped all my meals that I would need for the duration of the trip. It was pretty daunting to be out of the comfort of my own home, but I usually am up for a good challenge.

Pre-made Dinner Day 2
Day 3 - this is when the magic happens. I love making it to day three on a detox because you finally began to feel the results of all the hard work and effort you've put in the last two days. I woke up - headache free - and even though my loving husband made me coffee, I was able to lovingly turn him down.

Preparation is KEY

It was pretty amazing to wake up and not feel
as if I 'needed' or just had to have my morning rush. Not only was that a blessing, but for the first time in a really long time, I was able to withstand the temptations surrounding my mom's house. (The breakfast of biscuits and gravy, sausage, bacon, eggs, etc...) I was even able to icing a cake without wanting to lick all the icing off the spatula! 

It was nice to see that I can be away from home, but still meet my dietary goals. I feel as if I had more patience with my kids today and I am thinking more clearly. The test is going to come for the next 4 days, as I am not quite half way through the detox. All other detoxes I've done have only been for 3 days, so I hope I can keep this one up!

Dinner Day 3
The need to be released from certain foods is one way that I can really be in a position where I have to acknowledge that God is enough. In my own devotion yesterday, I began the Gospel of John and the verse 3:30 stood out to me. "He must increase, but I must decrease." 

I'm not talking about in physical weight, but more of an emotional decrease for the dependence on things that aren't God. I don't need caffeine every day, I don't need sugar every day. I need God everyday. Creating a dependency on Him, is worth the struggle of letting go of all other things we think we 'just can't go without.'  When we learn to lean on Him to pull us through seemingly small things (like a sugar detox) then we will have the foundation we need to trust Him with the bigger obstacles in our lives.

I'm so excited for the rest of the Detox Challenge, but also nervous. I know I have to make God my center if I am going to successfully complete this!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sugar Detox: Day One

After completing the first day of our detox, I am definitely feeling the caffeine withdrawals from not having my morning cup(s) of coffee. Aside from the headache, I'm feeling pretty good. Nathaniel said his favorite part was the morning smoothie...even Elijah wanted in on that.

Even though I was hesitant from the combination of ingredients, I have to admit that I am looking forward to breakfast tomorrow! I will add more water, as it was a bit chunky for me, but still delicious.

As promised, Nathaniel did not have to eat the Spinach Soup, but I was a fan. I am looking forward to being past the headaches and I can tell we have long 6 days ahead of us. In summary, I'm not regretting this...yet. :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sugar Detox

Here we go!!! 
Alright, here's the kickoff. I'm starting a blog...enjoy! 

It's about a week before Thanksgiving. A friend was telling me about a sugar detox she tired and instantly fell in love. I had been looking for a good detox to help start the process of digging deeper into finding out what is causing some of my intestinal issues. (I was just diagnosed with IBS last week - suck!) But, at least now I have a name to associate with the stomach issues - its bitter sweet, I guess.

Anyway, as I was making a list of what I was going to need for Yuri Elkaim's  7 day sugar detox, my eight year old son was looking at the ingredients with fascination. He asked me what I was up to and when I told him that I was going to try and have no sugar the week before Thanksgiving, he was instantly hooked. (Well, maybe not instantly. He was very nervous, but I could tell he wanted in.) 

After assuring him that he didn't have to eat the Spinach Soup, he became way more excited about this than I still am, but at least now I know I don't have to go at it alone. He’s been my little buddy when it comes to some of the crazy things I've tried over the past couple of years.

Last year we did a section in our homeschooling about taking care of our bodies. My son's project was to create his own workout video. Since then we have trained for a 5K together - which he won 5th place in his division (so proud), and still workout. 

This has provided me with some wonderful conversations with my son about God's love, patience, and endurance for us; therefore, we need to execute endurance, patience and love on others - even if his younger brother just threw his legos across the room. 
Morning smoothie bags - prepped and ready to go

I believe Biblically founded principles such as discipline, patience, suffering (joyfully), and endurance can be executed and physically manifested by taking care of our bodies through our eating habits and exercise. For my kids, I am able to teach them about these principles by associating a physical way to carry them out.  

We're kicking off the week before Thanksgiving with our sugar detox. We started the evening by talking about the list of ingredients and how they are all ‘naturally occurring,’ or God created foods. This week is assured to have some great life lessons associated with it and I am so excited to share those here.

 Check back for our updates throughout the week. I know prayer is the only way I will be able to survive this, but with God ALL things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)