Monday, August 24, 2015

Ready, Set...GOAL


But how???

We all know the importance of setting goals. We all know the importance of having accountability as well as consistent motivation. But how do we stay motivated when we enter day 10, 30, or even day 90 of a life changing plan???

Before we can talk about that, we have to discuss how we make a plan.
1) Write down your goal! Keep a mission statement and give yourself a specific time to complete your vague "do better at life" - that just doesn't cut it here.
2) Set weekly and daily goals - specific actions  that you can do to that will move you closer to your overarching goal. aka, "Today, I will remember to smile every hour."
3) Find a buddy. Find someone to walk through this with you as well as keep you accountable.
4) Find something that motivates you and look at it every day. This can be YouTube video, Ted Talk, picture, favorite scripture, etc...
5) Be okay with the fact that some days you will want to quit. You will want to give up. You will think that it is pointless or just too hard. These feelings are OKAY. Work through them. Call your buddy. Even rest a day. These feelings will never go away (sorry, but it's true) It's learning how to push through them and move on...Give yourself grace!

These are the things we will be talking about in September. Hope you won't miss this. Our "talks" after class will resume then...they are only 5 minutes and its here where the real relationships happen.

Come to class...make a plan....find a buddy. We are here for you!


Kayla and Megan
This is a motivational curve. You will have ups and downs in your journey. Embrace this fact and give yourself grace on the lower days. 
Write it down. Make a plan. Work towards it every day....even if its just one sit up. 
Steps for creating Smarter Goals. 

Friday, August 21, 2015


Time to Re-Focus....

One step at a time.

Have you ever reached for perfection, instead of perseverance? Sometimes I become so frustrated when I can't do something perfect, or if I can't remember something just right...Sound familiar?

It's not about being perfect. It's about doing better than yesterday. God doesn't require perfection - and thank goodness he doesn't! If we were meant to be perfect, then Jesus wouldn't have had to die. He was perfection for us. So, if you find yourself striving for perfection, strive for Jesus - it's the only way you'll succeed.

In a few short weeks we will be asking everyone to write down their goals that you want to achieve between September and December 31st. We want to create accountability as well encouragement, because even I need that in my life.

Hope to see you tomorrow morning! 9am.


Kayla and Megan
CenterPoint Church
1900 N Providence
Columbia MO 65202
Do better today!