Monday, June 29, 2015

Time Flies...

Oh, how time flies...
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What differance are you making this summer?

Hello Refitters!
Can you believe tonight is our last JUNE class??? It seems like it started such a short time ago.

Tonight concludes our "Testimony Talks" at the end of class and we have the privilege of hearing from Leigh tonight! You won't want to miss this!

A heads up for July themes: We will be talking about TIME...time is something everybody says they don't have enough what are you waiting for? Let's get rid of everything that wastes time in our lives and start focusing on those goals we all have, but never thought we could reach. (more on this in July)

Look forward to seeing you all tonight!


Megan (in spirit-from Florida)
Coresa- whose helping lead tonight! 
Copyright © 2015 REFIT, All rights reserved.

Kayla 573-999-7595
1900 N Providence Rd
Columbia MO 65202

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Monday, June 1, 2015


Summer REFIT! I say YES...

Okay, technically there are still 21 more days to summer...

School's out and schedules are changing....well, for some of us anyway.
We know summer can be a time of fun, change, but also some added stress. (especially when you go to put on that bathing suit that's been hiding in your drawer all winter)
So what's NOT changing...YOUR REFIT CLASS!

That's right. We are still meeting every Monday night at 6:30...we also have some very special announcements coming up too; for instance our THROW BACK THURSDAY PARTY happening on June 25th! (more info at a later date) 
We hope to see you all tonight!
Meet you on the dance floor!


Megan and Kayla
It's happening! June 25th. Tell your friends. Come workout with us to the classic rock songs we all know and love!
That's right! We will be adding a second class for July and August...more info to come....
Copyright © 2015 COMO REFIT, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Megan 573-808-5778
Kayla 573-999-7595

CenterPoint Church
1900 N Providence Rd
Columbia MO 65202

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