Sunday, January 10, 2016

Believe in Yourself...I do!

How's Your Resolution? 

Did you know according to Forbes that only 8% of people actually achieve their New Year's Resolution? Let's face it, the odds are not ever in your favor.
But there's one thing I'm sure that statistic didn't count on...You are a child of God; You have been saved by grace and through faith you CAN move mountains; you are MORE THAN CONQUERS! (Romans 8:37)
So, if the phrase 'more than conquers' has become somewhat complacent since you hear it all time, let me put it a different way. You have the power to CRUST, OVERTHROW, VANQUISH, OVERPOWER, OVERMASTER, PREVAIL, and TRAMPLE UNDERFOOT anything that you have set it in your heart to achieve this year.

Don't let a step back or a slip cause to you release, surrender, forfeit or retreat from the plans God has for you in 2016.

We'll be here for you every Monday to help you focus on your goals with tips and advice on how to accomplish what is before you. We are NOT just a weight loss/workout group. We are a community of people joined together who want to see each other succeed - in ANY and ALL goals you have set for yourself.

So, if you've never joined us, we invite you with open arms and open hearts. We are a WALLS DOWN, no judgement group and accept you for where you are in life right now...we don't force you to be like us, we just want YOU to be the best YOU you can be!

Class Monday Nights. 1900 N Providence Rd, Columbia MO 65202. 6:30-7:30pm with an optional 10 minute session at the end of how you can stay on track with your goals in 2016!

See you Monday!
Copyright © 2016 REFIT, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Kayla 573-999-7595
Megan 573-808-5778