Sunday, February 21, 2016



Sometimes we can let our lives be run by fear. Fear of not being good enough, pretty enough, smart enough - whatever it is, I'm sure you can think of word that comes to mind for the phrase, "I'm just not _______ enough."
Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we constantly beat ourselves up? Are we afraid of change? Afraid of failure? Afraid of the unknown? 
What if we stopped thinking about all the negative 'what if' thoughts, i.e, "What if I fail?" "What if I fall" "What if I can't?", and start replacing them with positive 'what if's?" "What if I CAN?" "What if I DO?" "What if I WIN?"

I saw a great video this past week and in case you missed it, I'm posting the link here. Even if you did watch it, it's worth watching again. It's a high school dance team - no, they're not dancing to "All about the Base," or shaking their tail feathers - it is the most inspiring peace I've ever seen come from a high school dance team.

So, believe in yourself! I believe in YOU!

Sunday, February 7, 2016


The Lord is a Jealous God...

No, this isn't some middle school drama where two girls like the same guy or someone's hair is way cooler than your own. This is about someone who would like nothing more in the world than to have a relationship with YOU!

The word jealousy gets a bad rap and is often compared to covetousness. But it also includes this idea of 'vigilantly guarding something.' Our God is a Jealous God. And the thing that He is 'vigilantly guarding' is YOU. There is no greater feeling than knowing someone is constantly seeking out your presence, your time, and your love. God COVETS His time with YOU.

Let's return the same vigilance and guard our hearts in relationship to our God. 
Last week we began our new playlist. We would love for you to join us again Monday February 8th at 6:30p.m. for another fun and funky workout! Come'on, don't you want hear the CHURCH CLAP?!?!?!

Love you!

Kayla & Megan

1900 N Providence (in Kelly Plaza)
Columbia MO 65202

(p.s. Check out the Church Clap link to see the video we'll be doing in class!)
Copyright © 2016 REFIT, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Kayla 573-999-7595
Megan 573-808-5778