Monday, May 2, 2016

Your Personal GPS

God's Positioning System...GPS

I don't own a GPS. It might not come as a surprise to those of you who know my husband. We used a friend's GPS once and it told us we had arrived at our destination...while we were in the middle of an intersection! We have not relied on a GPS since. 

Are We Gullible? 

Why is it that we will put so much faith into a GPS system and believe with all our hearts that it will lead us to our correct destination? Has it ever failed us? Mine did. If we truly believe that "God is Love" (1st John 4:8) then why is it so hard to always bear in mind that "Love never fails."? (1 Cor. 13:8)
God does not disappoint us. Life does. God does not fail us. People do. God guides us through His Perfect Plan...not through our own selfish desires.

So when life fails us, rely on God. Rely on your own personal GPS. God's Positioning System - and have the faith that He will guide you to your correct destination. It may not look like a straight path, or the easiest, or even the right path...but it's the one He wants you to take. And He NEVER fails us. Believe!