Making The Most of EVERY Opportunity...
What are you doing today?
If you took your day and broke down the time you spent doing every activity, would your productivity reflect the life goals you've set for yourself? Would you find that you spend more time on Facebook than with your kids, or more time watching TV than with God?
Through July and August we are challenging you to MAKE EVERY MOMENT COUNT. Whether that means spending more time being a mom, a sister, a better friend; or it could mean finally having that quiet time routine, we challenge you to stop wasting the precious time...and I know we ALL get caught in that trap. (Even us...but don't tell anyone)
It's hard finding the balance between serving others, serving God, and still having time for yourself. At REFIT we try to incorporate relationship - friendships as well getting in a good sweat! We are women who do our best to worship God in everything we do - including worshiping Him through dancing and acting goofy.