Sunday, June 26, 2016

My WHO is not my DO

God is always pleased with your "Who"...

...but sometimes we need to work on our 'Do's'.
I was reminded this weekend that God has already redeemed me from everything I could truly fear - an eternity apart from Him. I don't need to dwell on the fears that "I'm not good enough," "I'm not smart enough," "I'm not pretty enough," or even "I'm not 'Christian' enough." God loves me, because HE made me! My who is perfected through Jesus Christ! Yes, I mess up. Yes, I make mistakes. BUT GOD is gracious enough to forgive me...all I have to do is ask.

It's a hard concept to remember. I don't always have to be perfect. I had the opportunity to celebrate a couple who got married this past weekend. On their wedding day, they were also celebrating their 250th day of sobriety! God has brought them through so much over the past year. I look at them, and I don't see them for their past mistakes. I see them for their strength in the Lord. Is it easy for them just because they're 'Christians' now? NO! They struggle with temptation every single day. This does not make them 'bad people.' This makes them human. But the fact that they have resisted temptation for so long makes them perfected through Jesus!

Are you struggling? We all do. Remember to see yourself as Christ does...your 'Who' is always good enough for God. Let that perfection shine through your 'Do's' too! 

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