- Taste
- Variety/Flexibility
- Easy to Follow
- Budget Friendly
- Results/Willingness to Repeat
1) TASTE: On a scale of 1-10, this would receive an 8.

2) Variety/Flexibility: score 10
This was probably the best thing about this detox!!! I enjoyed the different foods that were outlined and even though breakfast was the same every morning, it was delicious. (Plus, I believe most people tend to eat the same things for breakfast regularly anyway.) My absolute favorite thing was that most of the time there were no instructions regarding portion sizes or exact recipes. I was actually nervous about this at first, but I grew to love the creative power it permitted unlike most 'diet plans' and since there were not portion restrictions, I never felt as if I denying myself food if I was hungry. Even when I became hungry in between meals, I still ate things that were on the menu, just not at the times that were suggested.
3) Easy to Follow: 9
Yes, yes, yes. It is all outlined for you from Breakfast to Dinner; with additional exercise suggestions. Did I follow it exactly - no. The times he suggested did not work for my lifestyle, so I nixed those pretty quick. Most days I reversed the snack and lunch to fit into my family's routine. I did not follow the exercise suggestions, but still remained active throughout.
4) Budget Friendly: 5
Most ingredients by themselves were not too expensive, however, in the quantities that they require, I would say this is not the cheapest plan you could do by any means. (But I'm also pretty frugal)
5) Results/Willingness to Repeat: 9
The only reason I did not give this a 10 was because of the cost. I loved the results I had in such a short period of time. By day 5, I was free from all cravings!!! I did not want food when I was bored and I almost had to force myself to eat. I was able to eat before I became hungry - even when I tried to follow the time slot suggestions. I loved the amount of energy I gained, my skin cleared up and my IBS symptoms significantly reduced and were almost gone entirely. (Which was my reason for doing the detox in the first place.)
However, in 7 days I did lose 4 pounds - which is just icing on the cake!
Who needs this?
I do suggest this to anyone who needs fast results in a short amount of time, i.e. a wedding/reunion. I also would suggest this to anyone who wants to jump start their health or for someone who needs a little motivation during a lull period. So....pretty much anybody! My vegan/vegetarian friends could easily substitute different proteins for the meat. So go ahead, give it try and let me know how it goes. It worked for me!!!
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